Access To Our Entire Library Of Courses For Just £1 Per Day!

Dozens Of Incredible Resources All Designed To Help Grow Your Salon

Dozens Of Incredible Resources All Designed To Help Grow Your Salon

"It's Kinda Like Netflix™ But
For Salon Owners!" 

"It's Like Netflix™ But
For Salon Owners!" 

(It'll Help You Make More Money, Too)

(It'll Help You Make More Money, Too)

To Start, Watch This Short Message From Salonology Founders Hollie and Ryan (Only 1 Minute Long)

To Start, Watch This Short Message From Salonology Founders Hollie and Ryan (Only 1 Minute Long!)


So, Is "The Hub" Right For You?

Who The Hub Is For

The Hub is for salon owners looking to get more from their business efforts - be that more money, more time off or more freedom in their lives.  They want to expand their knowledge and learn the skills needed to excel in modern day business.

Look, we get it.  There's every chance that you got into this industry because you love making people look and feel great.  You probably didn't get into it to be worrying over spreadsheets, trying to work out how to attract clients or to stress over creating reels.

The Hub will help you level up your skillset in all of those areas which are essential for business - but that nobody warns you that you need to master.  Let's finally help you to bridge that skills gap and bring you up to speed.

The Hub is suitable for salon owners of all shapes and sizes - it doesn't matter if you've a team of fifty or a team of zero and it also doesn't matter if you focus on hair, beauty, aesthetics, holistics or anything else on the salon spectrum.

BUT The Hub Is NOT For Everyone

The Hub provides access to dozens of salon-specific business skills courses.

We cover topics as wide-ranging as time management, pricing for profit and attracting the right customers - there's a full list of courses further down on this page.

HOWEVER you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

There is no personal coaching included with The Hub, no community aspect and you need to be self motivated enough to actually watch the trainings and then put them into place.  That's when the magic happens.

So if you're looking for hand-holding - or you're the type of person who needs spoon-feeding then this won't be for you.

Likewise if you're a part of the silver bullet brigade and looking for a quick fix to keep the wolves from the door then this isn't that, either.  These are tried and tested strategies which will absolutely work for those who put the work in and actually implement them in their business.  But if you don't work, they won't either.

If you want extra guidance on your journey, or are looking for a more personal experience, then you should check our Gold Club.

So, What Exactly Is
Included With "The Hub"?

The Hub is on on-demand library of courses from Salonology and other guest experts.

It's kinda similar to how your favourite TV subscription works - you pay each month and get access to our library.  The only difference is that rather than rotting your brain and wasting your time, our content will actually help you with where you want to go with your business.

Not sure how to raise your prices?  Need help recruiting that next staff member?  Want to learn what it takes to attract oodles of perfect clients on autopilot?  That's the sort of thing this will help you with.  Not a Kardashian in sight.

Courses From Hollie And Ryan

Facebook Mastery
Using Leaflets To Fly Under The Radar
Your Website Essentials
Selling With Video Workshop
Recruit and Retain
Get Your Pricing Right
3 Days To More Bookings
Time Management Like A Rockstar
The Ultimate Google Review Guide
Salon Marketing Essentials
Full Diary Formula
How To Send Emails That Get You Clients

Plus new content added EVERY QUARTER! 

Courses From Other Trusted Experts and Friends Of Salonology

Why Reception Matters with Valerie Delforge
Essential Instagram with Vivienne Johns
Local SEO with Benji Weller
Salon Memberships with Cait Muir
How To Get Free PR with Michelle and Christian Ewen
Instagram For Today with Kat Rose
Google Ads with Natasha Conway
Seven Crucial Numbers You Must Know with Jo Wood
The Transformational Sales Method with Pete Scott
Writing Better Copy with Laura McDouall
Facebook Ads with Scott Dance
Leading A Team with Sam Humby Frost

All Of This For Less Than £1 Per Day!


Got Questions?  We Have Answers!

What happens if I don’t like it?

You’re welcome to leave! 

 We don’t shackle anyone into staying… our members stay because they love it and they get results.  

There is no tie in, no binding contracts, no shenanigans. Just stay for as long as you wish… and if you try it and feel it’s a load of rubbish then let us know and you can have your money back

 We can’t say fairer than that, can we?

Am I tied in to a long contract?

Absolutely not, we’re not Vodafone! 

 You’ll only remain a member for as long as you pay your monthly membership and you can leave at any time.

How much is the investment?

It's only £29 per month... that's less than £1 per day.

Right now, we're waiving the normal £97 joining fee, too.

If you actually take action on what you'll be learning then the content should be worth thousands for you every year... maybe even tens of thousands, depending on the size of your business.

Everything to gain, nothing to lose.

I work on my own, will this work for me?

Absolutely!  The Hub isn’t just for big High Street salons. We have members who work from garden cabins, members who work mobile and plenty of members who work alone. The strategies we teach will work for any shape or size of salon.

Why should I listen to you?

We have over 400 members at present in our Gold Club program who pay us each and every month.  That should speak volumes.  Not only that but we’ve helped thousands of salon owners with our various books, courses and programs over the last decade.

We like to believe we’re well thought of and respected within this space now that we’ve been doing it for almost a decade.  Our 100 five star Google reviews reflect this, too (see those here).  We've spoken at all of the main industry events and have even published several books.

Furthermore, we've been where you are.  Before we started helping others we owned our own day spa and salon.  Over the decade of ownership we grew it from nothing to nine columns, two lounges, a dozen staff and a whole host of awards.  The same methods we used to achieve that we teach right here within The Hub... strategies that were worth hundreds of thousands of pounds of collected revenue to us.  We hold nothing back and lay it all out for you to copy

You can hear from some of our happy members and their transformational experiences toward the bottom of this page.

Finally, Some Experiences
Of Others Who've Worked With Us

It's all well and good us telling you how great what we offer is... which it is, of course.   But nothing beats the experience others have had.

Here are a few videos from other people who've worked with us, and some of the results they've achieved.

We're not saying you'll achieve the same results - that depends on a whole host of factors.  But what we are saying is that it's possible - the trainings and strategies work, and have worked for lots and lots of salon owners just like you.

If you want to improve your results - and you can afford £1 per day - then what's stopping you?

The timing will never be perfect, you'll never get your ducks in a row and if you wait for all of the traffic lights to be green before you leave your house then you'll never go anywhere.

The time is now.  The sooner you start, the sooner you'll start getting the results you want.

We hope to see you inside.

Hollie And Ryan :)


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